Thursday, March 18, 2010

Deem and Pass - Slaughter Rule - Bad!

I don't care if the Deem and Pass rule has been used in the past; it's just wrong. It's politicians hiding behind a technicality so that they don't have to go on record as voting for or against a bill that may be unpopular with their constituent. These people are cowards. They are theives and criminals. They plot and scheme together in the middle of the night, behind closed doors, in smoke-filled rooms to find a way to fleece the hard working American citizen out of his hard-earned money. They want to grab more power. They want you, the American taxpayer, to be dependant on them.

Call your Congressman today. Tell them that Deem and Pass should not be used to pass the Health Care Bill. Thell them if they do, then they won't be sitting in Congress in the next session and they will become an American Taxpayer that has to live under the laws they pass. Do it today!


  1. I've got a healthy respect for a man who speaks my mind!

  2. Amen! So hard to think of what's headed down our path.
